
About OAMA

The Ostomy Association of the Minneapolis Area (OAMA) is a safe place for people with ostomy and diversional challenges who come together to share, question, and laugh about their journey.

Our Minneapolis organization is a member of The United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. (UOAA), the national network for bowel and urinary diversion support groups in the United States. Its goal is to provide a nonprofit association that will serve to unify and strengthen its member support groups, which are organized for the benefit of people who have, or will have intestinal or urinary diversions and their caregivers.


Our mission is to leave having people feel better about their ostomy and feel the hope that they will be able to deal with it by knowing many others that have coped with it for years.  Even though many members have gone through drastic surgeries, many feel grateful for the life enhancing gift of an ostomy or the life-saving event of ostomy surgery or diversional challenges. There are many kinds of stories that people share with each other and we want to offer supportive ideas and encouragement to cope with whatever their challenges.


UOAA was founded in 2005 after the United Ostomy Association (UOA), the previous national ostomy organization in the U.S., closed its doors. In 2009, in recognition of their efforts, the Management Board of Directors conferred the title of UOAA Co-Founders on Kenneth Aukett and Linda King Aukett. For information on UOAA’s creation, see Ken Aukett’s New Beginning presentation (PDF file from June 2006).

Board Members

Dave Dalum
rich trainer's portrait
Rich Trainer
Past President
Josh Nelson
Treasurer and Membership
Larry Trojak
Larry Trojak
Newsletter Editor
dar hafner
Dar Hafner
Patient Advocate
julie powell
Julie Powell
carol larson
Carol Larson
Carole Ann Barron
Carole Ann Barron
Program Chair

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Perspective members can attend their first meetings for free.